Voice chat is a very useful tool to communicate with your teammates without typing the commands all the time. You can access it by [V] key. But there are some commands that are not available through the voice chat menu...
... but you can run them in console! Just type: /vsay commandname
Here's the list of available special commands:
FTAttack - Attack!
FTFallBack - Fall back!
FTMortar - Deploy mortar!
FTHealSquad - Heal the squad!
FTHealMe - Heal me!
FTReviveMe - Revive me!
FTDestroyObjective - Destroy the objective!
FTDisarmDynamite - Disarm the dynamite!
FTCallAirstrike - Call an airstrike!
FTCallArtillery - Call in artillery!
FTResupplyMe - Resupply me!
FTInfiltrate - Infiltrate!
FTGoUndercover - Go undercover!

... but you can run them in console! Just type: /vsay commandname
Here's the list of available special commands:
FTAttack - Attack!
FTFallBack - Fall back!
FTMortar - Deploy mortar!
FTHealSquad - Heal the squad!
FTHealMe - Heal me!
FTReviveMe - Revive me!
FTDestroyObjective - Destroy the objective!
FTDisarmDynamite - Disarm the dynamite!
FTCallAirstrike - Call an airstrike!
FTCallArtillery - Call in artillery!
FTResupplyMe - Resupply me!
FTInfiltrate - Infiltrate!
FTGoUndercover - Go undercover!

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