Sunday, March 7, 2010

5 ways to piss your teammates off

Every round in ET is full of action. But not just in a positive way. Players are different - there are two types of them. In this article I'll call them:
  • Teammate
  • Asshole
Teammate always thanks for revive and packs, tries to give you a cover and is polite for other players. A game with him is a good kind of entertainment.

But playing with the Asshole is like a torture. Asshole has one aim - to destroy your fun. I made a special tutorial for people who want to be a good Enemy Territory Asshole:

1. Always run through your teammate's mines. It's a good way to test your [shift] key. You can also make a competition with another Asshole. The one, who destroys all mines in the shortest time, wins.
2. If you see an engie from your team planting dyna on the objective, shoot him down, disarm his dyna and plant your own. Don't let the others to steal your EXP!
3. If your teammate throws an artillery marker, kick it to another place where it will get more frags. Always follow your field op and kick his markers every time. Don't care about his whine - he is just jealous about your frags.
4. If you see a mortar from your team, observe him for a moment. If he shoots slower than 3 missiles per second, jump on him and don't let him waste the ammo. Check if he is aiming properly - push him when you think that he is doing it wrong.
5. Don't listen to the admins when they tell you to stop your behaviour. They are just haters who want to have as many frags as you.

But there is one most important rule: not on my server!

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